National Launch of UNSCR2250 in Sierra Leone

In Sierra Leone, Youth-led organization, Youth Partnership for Peace and Development (YPPD) with support from the Civil Society Platform for Peacebuilding and Statebuilding (CSPPS) and Cordaid, will organize a National Launch Event of the UNSCR2250 on 28 February 2017 at 10am at the British Council Auditorium.

The objective of the launch event is the localization of the resolution in context of Sierra Leone, agreeing on a National Action Plan and ensure concrete follow-up actions while using the opportunity of raising awareness and mobilize relevant stakeholders for actions that will sustainably contribute to building a more peaceful, wholesome and inclusive Sierra Leonean society.


The UN Security Council Resolution 2250 (UNSCR2250) passed on December 9th 2015, was a result of the advocacy of more than 10,000 young people in the Amman Youth Declaration. The adoption of the UNSCR2250 marked the culmination of years of advocacy by civil society, including the CSPPS, for the recognition by the Security Council that young men and young women have a critical and positive role to play for building sustainable peace.

Youth played a cardinal but critical role in the decade-long Sierra Leonean civil war; a successful transition between conflict and peace is often dependent on the establishment of increased human security and the creation of a climate of confidence, which paves the way for a range of peacebuilding and recovery interventions that considers the inclusion of young people as a socially viable category when harnessed well.


The launch event will provide the opportunity to collaboratively work with and invite UN agencies such as UNFPA, UNDP, UNWomen, FAO and other CSPPS members such as Cordaid, Search for Common Ground, United Network of Young Peacebuilders. Speakers will be further drawn from youth representatives, government, civil society and the donor community that are actively engaged in issues of youth development, security, and peace.

The government of Sierra Leone will be partnered with through the Office of the Office of National Security, Ministry of Youth Affairs, National Youth Commission, Youth Councils, and Presidential Youth Aide and respective Ministries, Departments and Agencies.

At the end of the Launch event, organizers expect to gather a set of key recommendations to governments aimed at attaining the fullest implementation of the UN Resolution 2250 and the SDG 16 from a Sierra Leonean youth perspective and to establish a credible and representative platform (an Inter-Agency Coordination) for youth engagement for the implementation of the UNSCR 2250 in Sierra Leone.


The Civil Society Platform for Peacebuilding and Statebuilding (CSPPS) is the South-North non-governmental coalition of peacebuilding organizations in >25 countries that coordinates and supports civil society participation in the International Dialogue on Peacebuilding and Statebuilding (IDPS). The goals of CSPPS are to strengthen the voice and capacity of society to effectively engage in, and influence, peacebuilding and statebuilding as a critical contribution to crisis prevention and sustainable peace and development for all.

In Sierra Leone, The Sierra Leone Association of Non-Governmental Organisation (SLANGO) is the Focal Point organization of CSPPS; and the YPPD is a member of the CSPPS Country Team in Sierra Leone. SLANGO serves as a unified voice of the NGO community in Sierra Leone, it forms the link that exists among the NGOs, Government institutions and donor agencies to promote the interests of its constituents.

For more information on the launch event, contact Mr. Musa Ansumana Soko:

For more information about YPPD, contact: or Mobile: +232 (0) 44 618220

For more information about CSPPS, contact: Peter van Sluijs, Coordinator of IDPS CSO Secretariat/CSPPS at PSL@cordaid.orgUncategorized2250British CouncilCCYACenter for Coordination of Youth ActivitiesCordaidFreeownOffice of the PresidentPeaceSearch for Common GroundSecuritySfCGSierra LeoneState HouseUnited NationsUNOYUNSCRUNSCR2250youthYPPD