Our Approaches

YPPD’s activities are dedicated to enabling young people discover their tremendous potentials and untapped energy so as to become productive and well-informed global citizens. Believing in promoting the ideals of promoting, inspiring and igniting spaces for youth participation in decision making as well as their contributions to development will in turn result in their abilities to make the social changes needed for a more independent and safer future. Our work is deeply ancored on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)i

Childhood Education and Development

YPPD’s Education team works to find the best practical and sustainable  solutions to help children around the world learn and thrive. Working across rural communities, our education program helps children get ready to achieve the critical beginning milestones as well as enabling capacities of school administrators, teachers and parents.
That’s why YPPD works in Sierra Leone across four districts to reach those children who are missing out most on learning.

Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health (ASRH)

For millions of young people, the onset of adolescence brings not only changes to their bodies but also new vulnerabilities to human rights. When engaged and supported, adolescents thrive and contribute to communities and families. In this area, we work with young people in first understanding their sexual and reproductive health issues, rights and the right information on access to quality and confidential services

Advocacy and Influencing

For the majority of our work, we focus on delivering targeted advocacy and influencing interventions that seek to provide the spaces for inclusive and participatory reform processes.

Participatory Media

Campaigns using Multimedia and creative approaches such as documentary and film production. Inclusive and participatory models of planning and implementation

Research and documentation

Putting evidence at the center of our work is imperative; enabling our policy influencing, advocacy, capacity building and community work to much well-informed by those realities in the context that we operrate.

Voices and Accountability

Building capacities of youth and their institutions as a critical first step to informed participation and demand-led accountability is at the center of our work at YPPD while dealing with the root causes of social exclusion and inequality.