Act on UNSCR 2250: Support the Implementation of the Youth, Peace and Security Agenda

Here are some useful resources:

A Closer Look at UNSCR 2250:

The UN Security Council Resolution 2250, Youth, Peace & Security is a key tool for those who want to promote policy or implement programs that enhance youth participation and inclusion in peacebuilding. To better understand what 2250 means, take a look at:

Explore the Tools Available to You

The resources below are intended to help with the implementation of 2250 through local YPS coalitions, national policy in collaboration with Governments, or programs with peacebuilding organizations.

Build on What Has Been Done

There are other countless ways in which you can #Acton2250. You can join the conversation and share your input by registering on the Youth4Peace Portal, posting and connecting with other young peacebuilders through social media, or participating in online and in-person forums. For more information on how to get involved, click here.